For The Whored: Beyond Ch. 39

They have my daughter!" Varian slammed his fist on the table.

"They have three of my children, and all of my grandchildren." Grogek growled. "I will go!"

"Both of you, stop." Elunara waved a hand. "They have OUR children, but we cannot leave Stormwind completely unprotected, and we cannot have the entirety of Stormwind show up in the raid. We need a precise strike team, no more than 40, standard raid rules." She shook her head. I'd prefer 10, maybe 15 people at most. We get in, get our children, get out. I need to go personally, not just for our children, but because I need to find William."

"Didn't he take Sinea?" Anduin frowned.

Elunara shook her head. "I don't know for sure, and he's my nephew. I have to at least try to bring him back."

"Might I make a suggestion?" Wrathion stepped forward and approached the table. Reaching out, he fiddled with a lock of Elunara's hair. At her side glance, he dropped his hand. "We need to approach this in a two-pronged attack. We send in the usual 20 or so adventurers in to take on the bosses, and a smaller 10 or so well-trained operatives to take on the task of locating the children." He walked around the room; hands clasped behind his back. "Once the children are located, you will then need to be protected as a portal is summoned and the children are transported back to their homes. Just as you did when you rescued all of those women from the twilight cultists all those years ago."

"How do you know about that?" Elunara narrowed her eyes.

He smiled brilliantly at her. "I am well-informed."

Another person walked up to the table. "I will go."

"Lulu, I can't possibly let you go, it's entirely too dangerous." Elunara shook her head.

"Momma, I'm an adventurer now, and—"

"You're level six. This requires my best trained, max level people."

"Yes, but they have William. Even if they tricked him or magicked him, maybe I can break it. Maybe I can reach him."


"Momma, it is me he has been obsessed with, if anybody can reach him, it's me."

Elunara pinched her eyes shut. "I hate that you're right."

Wrathion shook his head. "Absolutely not." Everyone switched their attention. "She should stand by here. Capture your William, bring him to the castle and interrogate him. Even one weak link can break the chain." He put his hands on Lulu's shoulders. "She may have some power to her, but even I will not risk another one of Elunara's children."

Elunara eyed Wrathion and he lifted his hands. "I agree with him. You will be on standby in the castle, Lulu."

"Alright." She sighed.

"I will go in her place." Calysta stepped forward. "I am a well-trained, max level warlock."

Elunara leaned back against the table. "Other than a chance at loot, why would you go?"

Calysta smiled and rubbed a hand on her felhunter. "Because I like Lulu. She is sweet and kind. May not like herself so much, but I think once she sees a real warlock in action, she may not be so negative towards our class." She looked pointedly at Lulu.

"Oh." Lulu blushed. "Thank you."

Calysta ran a finger across lulu's heated cheek. "You stay here, learn to control your felhunter."


Elunara's eyebrow shot up. "In any event, Calysta's abilities may come in handy for this mission. Grogek, I'll need you to organize a list of your best of your best in order. Stephen is staying here to Protect Katie and Enwoo."

"He's a good candidate as of recent, but he's too new. I have a list that's better."

"Good. Jordan," She turned her attention to her other husband and noticed he was busy staring at Lulu and Calysta. "Jordan, I need the same list."

"Of course."

"I have my own list of agents I will work with. Five each should be enough to get through. The adventuring parties will keep the bosses occupied, and we will sneak in behind and find our children."


Elunara marched to her SI:7 headquarters. Wrathion followed behind her. She whipped around and glared him down. "My daughter is off limits."

He held up his hands. "I never had any intentions with her."

She nodded and turned back on her march.

"Though, that Calysta might..."

Elunara shrugged. "I have no comments on that. Lulu is happily married."

"So are you. Repeatedly."

"Your point?"

"Just an interesting observation. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

She whipped around again. "If you want to entertain thoughts about my daughter and her new friend, I WILL kill you and get the help I need somewhere else."

"First of all, I have no interest in your daughter, only you. Second, with what?"

Elunara instinctively flexed her hand. When nothing appeared, she growled in frustration.

He grinned at her. "Your bare hands, I would assume. In any event, I want us to get along, you know. Our arrangement wouldn't be very... interesting if we didn't."

Turning away, she continued her march for her office. "Stay out of my way."

In her office, she sat at her desk and began making notes. Wrathion fiddled with a lock of her hair. She knocked his hand away. "You want us to get along? Then wait until after my children are safe and home."

He shrugged. "As you wish."


Elunara made her way to the mage tower. Grabbing the nearest mage, she hesitated. "Is it still possible to port to Darnassus?"

"No, ma'am." The mage gulped. "The closest we can get you these days is Darkshore."

Whistling, Elunara waited until SaTa landed at her feet. Mounting the great beast, she nodded to the mage. "Send me."

"At once!" The mage cast her port, and SaTa dove in.

On the shore of Darkshore, Elunara fell to her knees at the sight of the great tree's destruction. Burying her face in her hands, she began to cry. SaTa wrapped both of her long necks around Elunara's body. For the longest time, Elunara sat like that. Finally, she stood and wiped off her face. Mounting the beast, they began to fly for the tree. The winds whipped at their bodies, forcing them back several times, but still SaTa persisted. They made it to the top of the tree and circled the area above where the temple used to be. Spotting some crumbled stone, Elunara directed SaTa to land.

She walked among the blackened ruins, her feet digging into the blacked soil and stubbing on every rock in the way. Finding the entrance to the temple, she began to make her way inside. SaTa called out in warning, but Elunara wasn't listening. Finding the area she was looking for, she began to dig. It was long, laborious work, but it had been before. Wiggling free the stone, she tossed it behind her. She found the ruined box and wrenched it open.

Holding her hand over her mouth, she choked on a sob. Pulling the dagger free of the ruined box, she was mystified the dagger was still in pristine condition. Hugging the dagger to her chest, she turned to leave. Without any warning, the ceiling collapsed.

Elunara was pinned against the back wall. She pushed and shoved and could not get the beam to move. "SaTa! Get help!" SaTa shook her heads back and forth. "SaTa! I have no time for this, go get help. Grogek, Jordan, anybody!"

After SaTa left, Elunara struggled to get free. "Great, just how I wanted to spend my eternity. Trapped under a rock, while my children get turned into cultists." She muttered. "Could this week get any worse?" She screamed. "Don't answer that. Don't you DARE fucking answer that." She muttered as she shoved at the beam trapping her to the wall. Giving up, she laid her head on her arms.


SaTa flew back to the site where they had come through but found nothing. Not knowing what to do, she began flying around the area, looking for someone, anyone. Following a familiar scent, she dropped down beside the powerful one that Elunara called 'mother'. She turned towards SaTa and the beast jumped backwards with a hiss. The mother had changed, her eyes were black.

"SaTa? Is that you?" Tyrande blinked at the creature.

"Need you." Sasha tried to say.

"Come with." Tasha tried to implore.

"Why are you without Elunara? Has she come for me?" Tyrande looked around.

SaTa butt her heads against Tyrande.

"Where is my daughter?" Tyrande demanded.

SaTa bounced towards the burned-out tree.

"No..." Tyrande whispered in horror. Mounting the creature, she hung on as it went for the tree. By time they landed, Tyrande was frantic with worry. "Elunara!"

"In here, mother!" She called.

Tyrande picked her way through the ruins. "Elunara, you fool, what were you doing?"

"I wanted my damned dagger back."

"You idiot, I could have commissioned you a new dagger."

"I wanted this one." Elunara pouted.

Looking around, Tyrande sighed. I can't get you out of there, I'm not strong enough."

"Then go get me someone who is. Grogek should be able to lift the beam at the very least."


Tyrande made her way to Stormwind and finding Grogek, she explained the situation.

"I will go." Both Tyrande and Grogek turned to Wrathion. "In my dragon form, I should be able to dig her out, and prevent more people from being trapped in the process."

Grogek snarled. "If anything happens to her..."

Wrathion smiled. "I want her whole and intact as much as you do."

After Wrathion left, Grogek turned to Tyrande. "I don't like his smarmy attitude one bit."


Wrathion flew to the ruined tree, battling high winds. When he landed, he transformed again to fit through the ruined doorway. "Ah, there you are."

"What are you doing here?"

"Saving you, of course." Transforming to the full of his size, he wrapped his claws around the beam and started to dig. "When you get stuck, you get stuck."

"Tell me about it." She pushed at the beam. Wiggling free, she grabbed on to one of his horns and pulled herself up. "Thanks." She dusted herself off. "Grogek might have been able to do it, but you..."

He changed back to his human form and took her hand. "I believe it is customary to give one's savior a kiss?"

Elunara rolled her eyes. "Fine." Putting her hand on his cheek, he leaned forward and, before he could place his lips on hers, pushed his face to the side and placed her lips on his other cheek.

"Not what I wanted, but it shall have to suffice." He grinned.

"You're getting rather forward for not having saved my children yet."

With a bright smile, he kissed the back of her hand. "Because I know it is only a matter of time and strategy, and then I will have what I want. And besides, I should woo you first, should I not?"

Elunara wiggled her hand free. "We need to get some things straight."

"As you wish."

"First of all, until my children are safe, I am not yours. I will not flirt with you, and I won't tolerate you flirting with me. Second, if and when any children are born, I will be raising them myself. You may be in their lives, but until they are adults, they are just as much mine as any of the children I have borne."

"As well they should. However, what if they are born as whelps?"


"How much do you know about dragon physiology?"

Elunara shook her head. "I have plenty of experience with animal husbandry, but admittedly dragons are a new thing here."

"If they are whelps, I will take over."

"If they are humanoid, I will take over, but they will still be my children, regardless of their appearance."

"That's fair. I know nothing of humanoid children or of humanoid mothers." He took her hand again. "However, as for the other thing, I am who I am. I find myself excited for our future, and as such have a difficult time keeping my hands to myself. I will, as I must, refrain from touching you as much as possible. But, after..." He shrugged.

She glared at him. Taking her hand back, she turned away and walked for the door of the ruined temple.

Wrathion followed her out. "Your pet is still back in Stormwind. I made promises to bring you back, unharmed."


Outside, Wrathion transformed fully into a dragon. "Your chariot." He shook his head.

Grabbing on to one of his horns, Elunara pulled herself up on to his neck. He pushed her up with the back of his hand. With a flap of his wings he made for the sky.


Back in Stormwind, Lulu was walking with Calysta. "Thank you for volunteering to go with my mother."

"It will not be a chore."

Lulu ran a hand over the back of Karthuum. "I still can't get him to go away."

Calysta grabbed her hand. "Come with me."

Lulu blinked and followed along beside Calysta. "Where are we going?"

"This way."

Lulu tried to dislodge her hand. "I see that."

Calysta tightened her grip with a smile. "Come, come with me."

"Are we going on another quest?"

"Something like that." Calysta made her way to the warlock area of the mage quarter. In the inn, she tucked upstairs. "This is where I stay when I am not on an adventure."

"Oh. So, you have no home here?"

"This is all I need. Calysta pushed the door closed behind Lulu.

Lulu looked around the sparse inn room. "Is there a book or spell or something that might help me?"

"Or help me."

Lulu looked at Calysta before shaking her head. "Why would you need help? You're beyond anything I could do."

"You... could do a lot, you already do much."

Confusion clouded Lulu's features. "What? You're speaking in riddles."

Calysta put her hands on both sides of Lulu's face. "Very pretty." She whispered, a moment before laying her lips on Lulu's.

Lulu blinked and her eyes went wide. When she gasped, Calysta took her advantage and slipped her tongue in Lulu's mouth. Jolting backward, Lulu stepped back. "Oh, you don't understand. I'm... well, I'm married."

"So is your mother. Repeatedly."

"But, I'm not like my mother, you see. I don't have enough room for more than one. I just... well, you see, I just..."

Calysta smiled and ran her hands down Lulu's arms. "I can help you. You are a special woman, I feel it, and I want to help you. I want to be with you."

"Oh, dear..." Lulu put her hands on her face. Lulu shook her head. "You must understand, I'm married. I love my Nara. And I was told to never fall for someone who is attracted to my looks. It just won't work that way. I'm tainted. I told you already."

Calysta laughed. "You are sweet. Very sweet and sparky, and a little naïve. I like many things about you. But what draws me to you is your lack of control. I want to teach you. You, who approached me first, with no holding back."

"Again, you confuse me." Lulu raked her fingers through her hair. "I. Am. Married. I just want to be friends, you see. I like you... I do, I just... oh, dear... oh, my..."

Calysta wrapped her arms around Lulu, moving her body tightly against the other woman. "Give it more thought. Give me more thought." She brushed her lips against Lulu's.

Lulu wiggled free. "I... I have to go." She yanked the door open and thundered down the stairs. Fleeing the mage quarter, she made her way home. In the house, she slammed the door in Karthuum's face. He whimpered and whined and scratched at the door.

Lulu opened the door. "Oh, I'm sorry, you dumb thing." He bounded in the door. Lulu put her hands on her face and sat down. "I'm so confused. I like Calysta, I really do, but..."

"But what?" Nara closed the door behind him. "I saw you running in here. What's wrong love of my life?"

"Oh, Nara... Calysta kissed me."

Nara hesitated. "And... did you kiss her back?"

"That's just it, I don't know."

Nara sat down and took Lulu's hands into his own. "My love, it's always up to you."


"Your mother is married how many times? I know you love me; I know I take up your heart. However, if like your mother..." He gave a shaky shrug. "I guess I'd be jealous if it was a man..." A grin crept across his face. "Besides, a threesome sounds REALLY interesting." He wiggled his eyebrows.

She whacked his shoulder. "Oh, you!"


Lulu made her way down to Abigail's house. She knocked and waited. When no one answered, she walked on in. Making her way up to Abigail's room, she sighed at the door. Knocking again, she waited for the watery "Enter." Pushing into the room, Lulu went and sat on Abigail's bed.

Lulu ran her fingers through Abigail's hair. "Should I bother asking if you're any better?"

Abigail nodded. "I do feel a little better. Everybody has been bringing me presents and things." She sniffled. "My friends from mage classes care for me, even if... HE doesn't."

"Oh, sweetie..."

"I'm trying, I'm trying." Abigail sniffled. "It's just so hard."

"I understand, it's only been a week. You have plenty of time to come to terms with everything." Lulu sighed. "I hate that I have a problem to come to you with."

"You? Have a problem? Are you pregnant too?"

"No. No." Lulu rubbed her empty stomach. "You know that Warlock I've been hanging out with the past couple of weeks?"


"Yeah... She kissed me."

Abigail jerked upwards. "WHAT?"

"It seems that everyone seems to think that since my mother is married to multiple people... that I might do the same. Even Nara made comments."

"Well, yeah... I mean, your mom is a little weird... but we all love her for it. I mean, even my mother loves your mother in ways I don't like to think of too hard."


Abigail snorted. "One day I walked in on them."

"You... what?"

"Oh yeah, I learned real quick to knock on all doors. Bad enough mom and dad get naked as often as possible, but when your mother and aunt are at it... either way, I know more about... that than I care to." She shuddered. Abigail cocked her head to the side. "Though now I'm curious... did you like it?"

"I was too busy defending my marriage, thank you very much."

"Sorry, sorry." Abigail held up her hands. "I know you love Nara, but you're not exactly... freaking out as much as I would expect in this situation."

Lulu buried her face in her hands and flopped back on the bed. "I'm so confused!"

"Have you told your mother?"

"No, she disappeared on me. Besides, you're my best friend. And I already know her response to this sort of thing."

"Fuck and be done?"

"Fuck and be done."

Abigail rubbed her still flat belly. "All those children... I don't envy your mother at the moment. Losing her children, and grandchildren, and having to get back all the children from all the cities. It's so distressing. I'm glad my child isn't due to be born for months..."

I know I don't spend that much time with my sisters, but I miss them. And my nieces and nephews. And this is killing my sister Lydia. She takes on so much guilt for the children at the music stage."

"At least Katie has her baby."

"I'm going to visit her next. Would you like to come see?"

"Actually, I would."


They made their way down to the amphitheater. Lydia sat on the stage, tears streaming down her face. Lulu and Abigail looked at each other before redirecting their path. "Hello, sis." Lulu called.

Lydia wiped at her eyes. "Hello, Lulu. I heard what you tried to do."

"Don't worry, Momma will bring them all home." Lulu wrapped her arms around her older sister.

"That's not what I'm worried about. It's what they're doing to my children in the meantime."

Lulu frowned. "Well, we're going to go check on Katie's baby. To take our minds off all of our troubles."

Lydia bit her lip. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea."

The three women walked down to the small cottage on the edge of town. A form came out of the front door. Lulu raised her arm in greeting but the three of them halted when they realized it was William with a bundle in his arms.

"No!" Lulu whispered in horror.

Lydia summoned her batons and Abigail readied a frost bolt. Karthuum began to growl.

"No, wait. With Enwoo in his arms, we cannot attack, or we'll just hurt the child. I have to try to reach him." Lulu slowly approached William. "William! Please! Why are you doing this?"

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