Mom Fulfills Son's Desires

Tim rolled out of bed, took his shower, and dressed for school still half-asleep. It had been a brutal week and week-end what with final exams and non-stop partying. This week should be a breeze, he thought, just show up and prepare for graduation. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his dad sat reading the paper and his mother stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the dishes prior to putting them in the dishwasher. Tim stopped behind her and leaning forward, reached for the cereal box in the cabinet above her. With one hand opening the door and the other reaching for the box he was unable to maintain his already poor balance and fell against his mother.

Jill Morgan was an executive with a large manufacturing firm. At 37 she still had the shapely body of a woman of twenty, and was dressed in her usual business suit skirt and white blouse. Her coat was hung on a nearby chair. Under the skirt she wore tiny nylon panties and panty hose which tended to keep her ass cheeks tight together. When Tim fell against her therefore his morning hard-on only rested between the outer split of her very shapely ass. Still for both of them it was a significant event. Each was acutely conscious of the sexual nature of the contact.


He struggled to regain his balance and straighten up. For a moment he was grinding his semi hard cock into her firm butt. In the process, his cock got harder and harder until he was rigid as a piece of pipe.

"Sorry, mom, I was just trying to slip in and grab the cereal box." He braced himself for her angry reply.

"I could tell you were trying to slip into something, I just wasn't sure what it was. Next time be sure you're a little more under control" She turned toward him slightly and he saw the corners of her mouth turn up in a little grin.

He was surprised at her response and looked quickly at his dad to see if he was aware of the conversation, but he appeared buried in his paper as usual.

"Next time I will" he said. Now why in the hell had he opened his mouth and said something so stupid, he thought. That was only going to make matters worse. But she didn't respond, she only looked up at him out of the corner of her eyes. He ate his breakfast quickly and hurried out the door to school.

Jill continued to rinse the dishes while this discussion was going on and could still feel the impression of her son's cock against her cheeks. It had been quite awhile since she had had a stiff cock pressed against her ass. Her husband, Thomas, had long ago limited his sexual activity to the missionary position once every two weeks. He was a lawyer and thought of nothing else but his practice. In fact, he was against anything that even appeared to be sexual. Jill on the other hand was a very sexual creature that was becoming more frustrated with her love life. She was slightly shocked and chided herself for the randy thought that had gone through her mind while her son was grinding against her ass. For a moment she had hoped he didn't regain his balance for at least an hour.

Tim had never considered his mother a sex object. Well, at least nothing more than checking out her panties and bra in the clothes hamper. The 36c bra size gave him a reference point to judge the tit size of the girls at school and the perfume of her worn panties raised a rigid hard-on that lasted through two masturbation sessions. Although he had never thought sexually about her firm ass, now, he could think of nothing else. At the end of the day, while walking home, he was unable to remember a single thing that had occurred; the whole day at school was a total blank. His mother's firm round ass cheeks occupied his brain and his cock, which got hard as a cement pole each time he relived the moment at the sink.

The following morning, even though Tim had beat his cock senseless the previous night he didn't have the guts to press against her again. His dad was an eagle eye and would kill him if he became aware of Tim's efforts. But Tim sat at the table in such a position that the coveted ass was directly across from him. As Jill scrubbed the plates and cups, her ass wiggled back and forth acting like a red flag to Tim. Soon he was wishing he had tried the cereal box routine again this morning. He vowed that the next day he was again going to plant his cock between those wiggling, jiggling cheeks.

Jill was quick to notice that Tim had been very careful not to lean over her to get his cereal that morning. She felt a trifle bit let down.

"God, Jill" she said to herself, "what kind of a thought is that. You are feeling bad because your own son didn't put his dick between the cheeks of your ass?" Just before that thought was forced from her mind, she imagined Tim's uncovered cock between the globes of her naked ass. She shook off such an image and shouting her good-byes she quickly rushed out of the house, glad that the drive to work would keep her mind occupied.

Wednesday morning dawned bright and sunny. Tim was out of bed at the first sound of his alarm. He took a quick shower, struggling to keep his steel hard cock from punching holes in the shower door, the towel and his underwear. At the last minute he took off the underwear, he wanted to be able to feel his mother's ass and the underwear would be one more piece of insulation. He didn't want to change his schedule too much or his parents would get suspicious, besides if he were too early his mother wouldn't be at the sink doing her usual chores. He arrived in the kitchen at the precise moment his mother rinsed the first cup. Watching his dad carefully as he walked toward the sink, he was convinced his dad's newspaper kept him from seeing anything that was about to occur unless his mother called attention to it. This time Tim lined up directly behind Jill before leaning forward. His aim was flawless. His bone hard cock pressed exactly between his mother's curved flesh. As he allowed his weight to drive him deeper into her crevice he raised on his tip-toes. The resulting movement mocked the fucking action and for a moment he was performing the age-old rhythm against his mother's ass.

Jill gasped at the blatant contact, her mind recording his size and the rigidity of his member. Speech failed her and she could only stand unmoving as he retrieved his cereal and slowly disengaged from his obviously sexual thrust. Before she could recover her composure, he had moved to the table and poured the cereal into his bowl. She swung around to face him as he poured the milk. The image of the white milk splashing around the holes in the oats was suddenly too suggestive and she was able to say nothing more than,

"Were you able to reach everything?"

"Yeah, thanks, mom, I got everything."

"Good, I was pretty sure you were getting what you wanted." They were both stunned by her comment. She had no idea why she had said anything that gave tacit approval to his actions. Tim on the other hand couldn't believe she wasn't beating on his head for what he had done and had even implied that she was aware of what he was going to do and wasn't keeping him from doing it.

School was a worse drag than Monday had been. Finally he could take no more, and went to the restroom and pumped his stiff member until he had twice shot a load against the wall of the stall. It made him feel better, but his cock was only slightly less hard. He wondered how his mother would treat him during the evening.

After Tim left for school and her husband had gone to work, Jill had about fifteen minutes until she too had to leave for work. She moved as though in a fog. She was having a difficult time accepting the fact that her own son had made sexual advances to her. She had little doubt that the first time on Monday had been an accident, but there was no mistaking the episode today for anything but what it was. Tim had deliberately thrust his hard cock against her ass, even going so far as thrusting upward after the initial contact to increase the sexual connotation of his movements. Her first reaction was hoping her husband hadn't seen it. For the next few seconds she had been too involved in the feeling of the rigid cock between her tight spheres to think of anything else. Finally she had admitted to herself that the pole between her ass cheeks was her eighteen-year-old son's cock, and was there through no accident. But her real concern was her panties, which had become soaked when her pussy flooded as she realized that her own son was dry fucking her ass. That flooding had almost been her downfall. She hadn't been that turned on since the first time a boy played with her bare tits in high school. In all their marriage years her husband had never been able to arouse her to that pitch and now her own son had sparked a drenching response. Afterward, she had been weak in the knees, and rather than finish the dishes, she had grabbed her coffee and sat down at the table. Thomas looked at her strangely.

"Aren't you feeling well?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just a little tired. I've had a hard couple of days this week and it's just catching up to me." It certainly was hard, she thought.

"Maybe you should take a couple of days off. I'm going to Chicago on Sunday for a week to finish up that lawsuit, why don't you come along?"

"Oh, I'll be fine. A couple of nights of rest and the week-end off should fix me right up." A good screwing would help too, she thought.

"Okay, whatever you say," Thomas said. He didn't seem too broken up by the fact she wasn't going to accompany him.

The phone cut off any answer from her. It was her best friend, Carrie, begging Jill to meet her after work and help pick out a dress for a Friday party she was planning on attending. Jill accepted immediately. It would mean she would be out when Tim got home and he would be in his room for the night by the time she got back from shopping. She wasn't sure she could face him; she didn't know how to handle this morning's incident.

Tim too was relieved to find his mother gone for the evening. He wasn't sure how to respond if she challenged him on the incident during breakfast. But as luck would have it, he saw a movie was going to be on TV that he had been waiting to see. It started at 9:00 and went until 11:00. Without giving it another thought, he stayed up to watch it. At about ten o'clock his dad put away his law book and said he was going to bed. As the movie was ending his mother arrived home. Tim couldn't face her and kept his eyes glued to the screen.

"Did your dad go to bed?" Jill asked.

"Yeah, about ten," Tim responded. He still didn't face her.

Jill walked around the chair he was sitting in and stood between him and the TV.

"You had better not let your dad catch you at the little game you're playing in the mornings." It wasn't exactly the words she meant to say.

"I won't," he said.

"That's not what I meant, Tim." She studied him for a moment. Her voice dropped to hushed tones. "You'd better be sure of what you want before you try to get it."

For the first time he looked at her. "What?"

"You heard me. Better think it over carefully." She turned and went to her bedroom.

Tim tossed and turned until the wee hours thinking over his mother's comments. But there was little doubt in his mind that come the dawn he was going to feel her ass again. He was just too hung up on her to give up. He wasn't even sure he understood her remarks.

Thursday, he again rose early and dressed minus his underwear. He was anxious to get to the kitchen, but he first had to wait until his raging hard-on had cooled slightly. Not that he wanted it flaccid. He wanted to be hard enough to force his mother's cheeks apart as he pushed against her. He was hoping her little talk would make her think he wouldn't try anything this morning. Finally he went down the hall and entered the kitchen. His mother was just leaving the table. She stopped in the middle of the room.

"Good morning, honey, you're up early this morning," she said.

"Couldn't sleep. I guess I was looking forward to getting started today."

"Would you like me to get your cereal?" Jill asked.

"No, that's okay, mom. Some things make me feel better when I do them for myself." But Tim didn't move toward the cereal shelf. He stood in the doorway into the kitchen.

Jill continued to stand in the middle of the kitchen for another moment, then surprising even herself, she picked up the dishes and cups from the table and moved to the counter. Leaning against the sink front, she began running water into the sink. She was bent over slightly with her curvy, firm ass pushed back. Tim waited only another minute then checking to see that his dad was still engrossed in his daily paper, he moved toward the cabinet above his mother's head. Quickly he found himself directly behind his mother, her form bent over the sink. It took him another few seconds to make up his mind to continue with his usual contact. Then throwing caution to the winds he moved forward. The very thought of what he was about to do and the fact that his mother had gone to the sink when she could have remained in the middle of the room until he had retrieved his cereal caused his cock to harden into a full rigid hard-on.

Tim lined up and leaned against his mother's fleshy rear-end. He heard her gasp as his rigid cock spread her cheeks. This time he knew she was aware he was doing it on purpose rather than by accident and could have stopped it if she wished. As his hand contacted the cereal box, his cock rode up and down his mother's ass. Tim risked everything by moving his cock in a fucking motion between her cheeks. He knew if his dad saw what was happening he probably would be kicked out of the house for good, but a rigid cock will not be denied. His mother stopped washing the dishes and stood with her head tilted down almost in a stance of submission. In fact for a moment, he thought he felt her pressing back against his throbbing rod. He continued his sexual advances against his mother's ass for much longer than previous incidents until his mother turned her head to look toward her husband. Tim knew she was checking to be sure they were not being observed. Still she said nothing. Finally his sanity returned and he grabbed the cereal box and pulled his cock away from her curved posterior. He heard her sigh and straighten up and begin to again rinse the dishes as she had in the past. He ate quickly as under the table his hand was trying to press his hard cock down where it wouldn't be visible when he got up to leave. Finally he finished. He told his dad good-bye and then doing something he seldom had done since he became a teenager he walked to the sink and kissed his mother on the back of her neck.

"Bye, mom, see you tonight."

He heard her gasp at his kiss and she turned her head and looked him in the eye.

"Good-bye, honey, I'll see you when you get home."

He couldn't read the look in her eyes, but it certainly didnt look encouraging. He knew he was in for a lecture when she got home that evening. He hoped that was all it was going to be.

Jill was stunned by the morning's events. She was well aware she could have waited until Tim got his cereal before she moved to the sink. By not waiting she had opened herself up to the incestual contact. She tried to claim to herself that she didn't have time to wait, that she had to get the dishes rinsed off and get ready for work. But that didn't explain why her pussy had began to flood when she saw Tim waiting by the door for her to go to the sink. It didn't explain why she was so wet at this very moment that she wondered if her juices were going to saturate her panties and run down her leg for everyone to view. The question she was afraid to ask herself was what was she going to do about her eighteen-year-old son dry fucking her every morning at breakfast. She knew what she would like to do, but mothers didn't do that with their sons. All day she was in a confused state, making errors she would never have made. Every time she sat down in her office chair she thought she felt his cock pressed against her ass. By the time she drove into the driveway at home she was able to think of nothing else. She wasn't prepared for her son arriving at the same time as a friend dropped him off at the end of the drive.

Tim walked up to his mother and took hold of her door just as she spread her legs to get out of her car. He was treated to a panty shot as her skirt slid to her crotch. Her panty hose tops were sheer, which hardly blocked his view. Jill was unable to recover from her actions by lifting her other leg quick enough to close the wide spread, so for what seemed to them both like minutes, but were in reality seconds, she was wide open to his searching eyes. In the past he would have turned away, but now he couldn't tear his gaze from her displayed charms.

"If you like looking at my panties that much, When I take them off I'll give them to you. Or were you expecting a view of something else?" Jill said a touch of irritation in her voice.

"I'm sorry, mom, but I couldn't help it, you're not like a mom, you're beautiful."

Jill was stunned. Of all the things Tim could have said he had blurted out the one thing that could cool her anger. He hadn't tried to lie out of it or come up with a smart remark, but had told her exactly how he felt. She had taught him since he was a baby to tell the truth and take your punishment.

"But, honey, are you forgetting I'm your mother? What's been happening lately isn't proper behavior between a mother and son."

Mom, you told me to be sure of what I wanted before I try to get it. Well I'm sure of what I want."

"Tim, I didn't really mean that. What you're thinking just can't happen, honey, it just can't." Jill suddenly realized that all during their talk she had never closed her legs. God, it was no wonder he was acting like he was. She stood up, pushed the car door shut and fled toward the house. The situation had gotten out of hand. Her feelings were getting in the way of her morals.

Friday morning the phone rang before six. The manufacturing facility Jill helped manage was experiencing difficulties and they needed her right away. She dressed quickly and left before Tim was up. She was thankful she had postponed another incident with her horny son. Tomorrow was Saturday, maybe she would get a chance to cool down his raging hormones before things got totally out of hand.

Tim ate his breakfast in silence and the whole day at school he was edgy and hard to get along with. His best friend called him a jerk. Tim of course didn't try to explain. What could he say, I'm mad because I didn't get to push my dick against my mother's number ten rated ass? When dinner was over he went straight to his room. His mother had put on a robe that reached from her ankle to her chin. He wasn't likely to get any views of her gorgeous body anyway. He went to bed looking forward to morning.

As Tim walked into the kitchen the next day, he heard his dad pulling out of the drive on his way to play golf. Jill was sitting at the kitchen table drinking her coffee. She shook with tension when Tim came through the doorway.

"You're up early for a Saturday," she said. Her gaze flicked to his crotch where he already was showing a sizeable bulge. Her mouth went dry, but her pussy began to flood. God, she thought, I'm like a teenager, ready for sex when a male walks by. But she wasn't ready for sex, well at least she shouldn't be, this was her son she was lusting after.

"It's the first day of my life. I graduate Tuesday night and "That...that...that's all folks. So officially I'm done."

"And in two months you'll be leaving for college."

Tim had stopped just inside the door. Once he glanced at the cereal cabinet but didn't bother to move in that direction.

Jill was aware of his actions and kept telling herself not to give him any opportunity to force himself against her. The phone jarred her out of her thoughts, and without thinking she rose and went to answer it. The phone was mounted on the cabinet end next to the window by the sink. She stopped in front of the sink and pulled the white receiver to her ear. It was her friend Carrie, anxious to tell her about the fabulous party of the previous evening.

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