Moonlight Encounter

Damn. Who knew Canada could be so crazy hot and humid? All I knew was I was sweating balls, and I had to go in for a swim to cool off or I'd never get any sleep.

Nice as it was to have my cousin loan me his summer cottage for a few weeks, while I was up visiting from New York, it would have been even nicer if it had been air air-conditioned so my clothes weren't glued to my ass.

Too hot and sweaty to even think about trying to go to bed, I opened the door that led out onto the beach and stared awestruck at the moonlit waters of Georgian Bay. Drawn by the allure of the bright full moon reflecting off the water, not really giving a rat's ass if anyone saw me, I stripped off my shorts and T-shirt, tossed them on the deck. Then I made my way down over the white sand beach to the shoreline, feeling pretty confident that no one else would be around to notice me skinny-dipping at two in the morning.

Lifting my gaze to stare up at the gorgeous starlit sky, the full moon seemed so much bigger and brighter than I'd ever seen it, almost eerily so. Staring out across the still water, it felt like I could see forever, it was so just incredibly bright out, it was hard to conceive it was the middle of the night. I could even make out a few rocks on the bottom of the water it was such an amazingly clear, cloudless sky.

Then some splashing by the floating dock caught my attention where I'd seen some kids diving in earlier in the afternoon.

I quickly ducked into the water so no one would notice that I hadn't bothered with a bathing suit. Diving down below the surface, the water felt just refreshing enough to give me some relief from the heat.

Once I'd waded out far enough to dive right to the bottom, I swam underwater in the direction of the big square wooden float, curious to see who else was crazy enough to be out for a swim at this time of night.

When I came up and surfaced beside it, taking hold of the ladder and wiping the water from my eyes, I thought I had to be dreaming. Shocking the hell out of me, a gorgeous slender blonde was sitting cross-legged on the float, gloriously naked. Though her nice little breasts were slightly heaving, she seemed totally unfazed as she grinned and calmly said, "Hi," the moment she saw me surface.

Holy shit. I could hardly believe my eyes. Especially with the way she was sitting, with her tight little pussy fully exposed and glistening in the moonlight. Yet amazingly she didn't seem to care, completely comfortable with the fact that she was naked and I was openly staring. So I smiled back, and said, "Hi, there. You out here by yourself?"

She nodded leaning back on her hands, tipping her face skyward, like she was moon-bathing. "Yes," she nodded. "I just had to get in for a swim it's such a warm night, I couldn't sleep."

Wow. All I could think was, what a way to meet a woman, with both of us out enjoying a naked moonlit swim. I knew no one would believe me if I told them, it just seemed too surreal to come across her like this, all on her own in the middle of the water.

Without even thinking about the fact that I was naked too, I climbed the wooden ladder and joined her, dripping water all around us as I stood and stared down at her. Instantly, I noticed her gaze zero in on my dick. Grinning appreciatively at the semi I was already sporting, she took her time raking me over from top to toe. And from the sexy gleam in her eye, I got the feeling she liked what she was seeing.

But then she confirmed it. "God, you have a beautiful body, so toned and tanned." She nodded her head, smirking at my equipment and told me, "And you've got quite the impressive package there, too."

I just shook my head and laughed. What a delight she was. Most women would have at least pretended to avert their gaze when confronted with a stranger in the buff, but not this little minx, still grinning and openly admiring every inch of me.

Heaving a contented little sigh, tipping up her face she stared up in awe at the wonder of the full moon that was bathing our naked bodies in an ethereal glow. "Such a perfect night for a swim, isn't it? And the moon is just so bright, it's almost blinding." she quietly murmured as she stared up at the black sky.

I decided to drop down beside her, careful not to spook her by getting too close. Leaning back on my elbows, turning my gaze skyward, I nodded in agreement, overwhelmed by the beauty of the stars glittering like diamonds in the inky blackness that seemed to go on forever. And I could have sworn, the massive glowing orb lighting up the night sky, almost seemed to be smiling down on us, as though happy that we'd found each other.

Turning my head to get a better look at her, I noticed that her hair was amazing; a beautiful white-blonde that curled enticingly all the way down her back to her delicate little butt. And her flawless porcelain skin positively glowed in the moonlight, making her look almost other-worldly. Carefully brushing a finger over her hand, curious to know who she was, I quietly asked her, "What's your name?"

Still smiling up at the moon, she seemed to consider that for a moment, before she grinned and murmured, "Luna."

Chuckling, I said, "Okay, Luna, so how is it a beautiful woman like you is out here all on your own, this late?"

Finally she turned her head and smiled right into my eyes. And I was instantly struck by how stunningly beautiful she really was, her eyes the most amazing pale blue I'd ever seen, shimmered with delight as she explained, "I just love the feel of the water on my skin. And I like not having to bother with a bathing suit, since no one else usually comes out here this late."

And damn, was I ever glad she hadn't bother to cover up, or I'd be the only one out here buck-ass naked, and the view I was enjoying right now wouldn't be nearly as arousing.

Suddenly, in one fluid motion, she surprised me when she sprang to her feet, smiled back at me over her shoulder, then dove head-first off the edge of the float into the water. So, of course, hating to lose sight of her, I followed right behind. Damned if she didn't surface right in front of me wrapping her arms around my neck pressing her breasts to my chest nice and tight, hugging me chest to chest with her legs wrapped around my waisgt. As I tipped up her chin, she playfully smiled into my eyes and softly brushed her lips against mine. Hoping for more, I felt disappointed when she pulled away, flipped onto her back, but then held her hand out for me to join her as she floated on her back with her hair spread around her like a gleaming silvery halo.

I've got say, floating on our backs, side by side, silently holding hands, staring up in awe at the most incredible celestial light show I'm sure either of us would ever see, felt almost like a religious experience. Out here alone with her, weightless in the water, sharing the most beautiful night imaginable, oddly had me feeling closer to her than I'd ever felt to anyone, especially considering we'd only just met.

I knew then even if nothing else were to happen between us, but sharing this incredible moment, it would be something that would stay with me forever. The night a gorgeous stranger and I floated out on the moonlit bay, hand in hand, unabashedly naked, completely at ease and attuned to each other, as though we'd known each other a lifetime.

For the longest time, lost in both the incredible light show playing out above us with the odd shooting star putting on a show and lighting up the sky, with the unspoken connection we felt to each other as we effortlessly floated, hands clasped, neither of us whispered a word. Since there wasn't a ripple in the water, the serenity of being suspended in our own little world, where it felt like nothing could touch us had us feeling like we were safe in our own little bubble.

Finally Luna whispered, "Isn't this amazing, being out here like this, just floating and staring up at that great big beautiful sky?"

"It is," I agreed, gently squeezing her hand. It truly was magical, and already I had a feeling, so was she.

Finally when she righted herself in the water and began to tread water, I did likewise. When she reached between us and circled me in her hand, my heart just about stopped in my chest. Wow, this was turning out to be some night.

Swirling a hand beside me, treading water while holding her close with my free hand, unable to resist, I tipped up her face and touched my lips to hers. And the look in her eyes when she finally opened them was so blissful, that I kissed her again, but deeper this time. No surprise, she was getting me hard. With her stroking me in her hand, and her tongue slipping between my lips, taunting mine, I wondered how long I'd last before I lost it, even just playing with her like this.

Her warm breasts pressed to my chest, with my one hand cupping her ass, and her stroking me in hers, it was almost too perfect to describe, just floating out with her in the water together utterly lost in the feel and taste of each other. And the sweetness of her as we kissed was almost indescribable, especially out amongst the stars, leisurely bobbing out in the moon-dappled water. The air was so still, the water was like glass. The way our bodies glistened under the moonlit glow, almost felt like we were the only two people on earth, savoring each other's lips and enjoying the sensation of sliding our hands over our warm, wet bodies.

Suddenly, with a devilish grin flashing in her eyes, Luna laughed and pulled away, and I was instantly struck by how badly I wanted her back. At least until she dove down and circled my cock in her hand and sucked me deep into her mouth, and began to tease me with her tongue.

Looking around, as she worked her magic under the water, I began to wonder if the whole thing was a dream. I could barely believe it was happening. Then she startled me when she gave me a playful little nip, and resurfaced right in front of me, softly laughing.

Reaching for her again, I tugged her into my arms and smiling into her eyes I told her, "You know I think I felt a nibble. I think the fish are biting tonight."

She laughed, then biting down on her lip, she looked into my eyes said, "You know what would make this even more perfect?"

Right now, holding her close, chest to chest, brushing back the hair from gorgeous blue eyes, I didn't have a clue. So I shook my head and said, "I don't know, because this is pretty near perfect to me."

She grinned, and slipped out of my arms. Then after she'd headed back toward the float, she reached back for my hand. Watching her softly rounded bare ass wiggling it's way up the ladder right in face was almost too tempting for words. My mouth was watering for a taste of her, and now sliding my tongue over her toned little ass was all I could think of. Once she'd got back on the float, lying on her side, she smiled as I came up and joined her, dripping water all over the padded surface.

Heaving a sigh, she whispered, "You know I think making love under this glorious sky would be something we'd never forget."

I had to agree, since just the idea of sinking into her warm wet body right now, was getting me so hard I could barely breathe for wanting her.

Once I'd dropped to my knees I gently kissed my way up her body, taking the time to part her thighs and slide my tongue over her hot little pussy. Man, she tasted so sweet, I'm sure I could have feasted on her for days. But not wanting to keep her waiting, I held my weight on my hands, looming over her, ready to slide inside her.

She smiled happily into my eyes and tugged down my head and kissed me. And that was all I needed. Nudging her legs open wider, I took hold of my cock and poised it at her opening, but before I could even thrust, she had her legs wrapped around my hips welcoming me inside her.

And god was she ever tight. Wanting to go slow and savor this once in a life-time experience, I eased my way inside her, smiling at the blissed out look on her face as I began to thrust in and slowly pull back out, before pushing in again a little deeper with every push.

But it seemed Luna wanted more. So, when she dug her heels into my back and thrust up to meet me, I took hold of her ass and really began to ride her. And the happy way she sighed let me know that she could take it hard, so there was no need to hold back.

Even as I pummeled her pussy, sinking into her balls deep I couldn't believe we were out here in the middle of the night enjoying each other like this, with hardly a word shared between us.

Then I heard a whistle coming from the shoreline and I froze mid-stroke.

Wincing, I looked up and saw four guys standing and staring at us. Finally one of them called out, "Hey buddy, you need any help, just let us know." And all of them laughed.

Worried she'd be upset, I whispered to Luna, "Looks like we've got company, maybe we should get back in the water."

She surprised me when she just grinned. "Why? Let them look. It's not like we're doing anything terrible. We're just making love, which has got to be the most natural thing in the world."

Since the four of them seemed happy to stay put on the shore, I decided she was right. Ignoring our oglers, I picked up my pace and gave her everything I had.

But Luna surprised me again when she pushed me onto my back and took over the reins, straddling my thighs. Looking up at her, I know I'd never seen anything sexier or more beautiful in my life, than her throwing back her head, with all that long blonde hair flowing down her back till I could feel it tickling my thighs as she dug her teeth into her bottom lip and rode the hell out of my cock.

As I stared up at her totally lost in the wonder of her gloriously shimmering body in the moonlight, I forgot all about our audience, mostly because all I could focus on was her, and how sexy she looked, happily bouncing up and down on me.

God, the way she squeezed me inside her over and over again, had me fighting to hold on. I worked a hand between us and managed to massage her clit, till finally she softly whimpered and pounded her body down hard and fast enough on mine that I knew we were both about to lose it.

Out of the corner of my eye, my gaze caught our voyeurs and no surprise they all had their dicks in their hands, beating themselves off furiously as Luna sent me over the edge till she had me groaning deep in my chest as I thrust up and filled her with everything I had.

Deep inside her, she tightened her grasp on me as I came. And I could feel her pussy quivering and tightening as she milked me dry, and it just felt so good already I was hoping for more. Fuck -- talk about a dream come true. Instead of sweating my ass off in the cottage I was happily buried balls deep in probably the most gorgeous woman I'd ever have the pleasure to lay eyes on -- never mind experience naked out on the water like this.

I heard the guys yell something, like, "Thanks for that, guys," before they chuckled and disappeared into the night.

Luna just laughed and cupped my face in her hands and tenderly kissed me, while I tried to think of the perfect thing to say in a situation like this, since it wasn't exactly what I'd call a typical hook-up.

Finally she rolled off me and curled into my side and I just held her, kissing the top of her head as we stared up at the wonder of the full moon shining down on us, as though giving its blessing to our union.

Then, just when I thought we were getting relaxed enough to doze off, she sprang to her feet and dove back into the water. Of course I followed right after her, but she was one fast swimmer, and before I could catch up to her she was on the shoreline and then once I got there, I saw that she was gone.

I called out her name and tipped my head to try and hear any sound of her moving through the bushes, but she just seemed to have vanished into the night. And I knew I'd better get back to the cottage before someone spotted me lurking around naked on the beach.

Next morning, after a fitful night's sleep, not even bothering with coffee, I got dressed and headed out to try and find her. Walking along the beach I scoped out every cottage, as well as anyone walking or out swimming in the water, hoping for some sign of her. But after an hour in the hot sun, I decided either I'd dreamt the whole thing up, or she was gone and I might never see her again.

But I already knew I'd be out for another late night swim tonight hoping that she might reappear.

I had just got back to the cottage when I heard someone knocking at the door. Hoping beyond hope it was her, I threw open the door and felt my heart sag when I saw a middle-aged sandy-haired man standing on the deck, smiling with his hand extended.

"Hi, Barry Thomas, I'm your next door neighbor," he said. "And I'm assuming your Shane's cousin?"

I shook his hand and said, "Yes, I'm Blair, and he's been kind enough to let me stay here for a couple of weeks while he and his wife are vacationing in France."

He nodded, looking a little uneasy, till finally he got to the point. "The thing is my wife and I are going to be away for a few weeks, and since we're leaving our daughter here on her own, I wondered if I could impose upon you to check on her, just to be sure she's okay. We left the cottage fully stocked, with everything we think she'll need, but if you wouldn't mind looking in on her every once in a while, we'd appreciate it. Mostly because she won't have a car, and she's never been on her own up here before."

I noticed a blonde teenage girl of about fourteen standing by his car and wondered if he expected me to take of his kid.

He followed my gaze and laughed. "No, that's not her. That's my other daughter Molly. We're dropping her off at music camp on our way and she's chomping at the bit to get going, since it's her favorite place in the world to be every summer. My other daughter Helena is the one I mean. And I doubt you'll have to do anything for her, she's twenty-two and pretty self-sufficient, and going into teaching in the fall, but still her mother and I would feel better if she had someone to call on if need be."

I shrugged and told him, "Sure, no problem. Then we exchanged phone numbers and he shook my hand again and thanked me, and I waved him off as he drove away with his wife and daughter.

Once he'd gone, I decided after my long hot walk in the sun that I needed a shower. After I'd washed I didn't bother to get dressed again and just crawled back into bed naked, hoping that Luna might be out for a swim again tonight, so maybe I could see her again.

I felt like I'd just dozed off when I began to have the most amazing dream. A warm soft body was sliding up my over my chest and my hands instinctively circled her waist as she cupped my face in her hands, slid her tongue between my lips and kissed me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and couldn't believe that Luna was naked in bed with me. At least I thought she was, but then I'd wanted to find her so badly, I wasn't sure if I was still asleep and dreaming that it was her.

She smirked. "The door was unlocked, so I let myself in. Hope you don't mind."

Smiling into her eyes, I shook my head as I ran my hands over her breasts, gently tugging at her dusky pink nipples. "No, I'm just glad you're here. I half-wondered if I'd dreamt that whole thing up last night."

Slipping her hand around me, she grinned coyly as she began to stroke me in her palm. "Unless we were having the same dream, I'd say it was pretty real."

"How did you know to find me in here?" I asked her.

"Well, I watched from the window of our cottage next door as my father talked to you. And just so you know, despite what my parents might think, I don't anyone to watch over me, and I'll be fine on my own."

I laughed as I rolled her onto her back, raking my gaze over every delectable inch of her. "Well, the way I see it, we've got a few weeks to enjoy each other, and I fully intend to explore every last inch of you, so I will be keeping an eye on you."

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