Once Bitten Ch. 05

I felt my foot hanging off the end of the bed. I growled and reached up and dug my talons into the mattress and pulled myself up. I grunted as one of my horns hit the headboard. My foot still hung off the end of the bed.

I pulled my arms back and flattened my hands near my chest and pressed. I added a full press of my wings and the leathery folds filled with air and my chest rose from the bed. I pulled up my knees causing my tail to swish through the air as I rested on hands and knees.

My head was still cloudy from the gases that filled the room when Sammi disappeared. I shook my jaw back and forth, then lowered my foot to the ground and slid off the bed. I rose to stand up, and felt my horns smack against the ceiling.

"Wait?" I said to myself, my thoughts still a mess, "Horns, wings, what the actual fuck?"

I crouched and craned my neck slightly to the side to look in the mirror.

"That's better" I thought to myself admiring my dark burgundy flesh, my scales glinting in the morning light.

I smiled and my fangs glinted in the mirror. My horns weren't that long, just black points slightly curved arising from my bald burgundy skull. My red irises grew wide as I took in my glorious image.

"What the fuck am I?" I asked myself.

My large hand dropped to my groin, wrapping my taloned fingers around my tumescent cock. I looked for the door to the bathroom. I needed to piss badly. I managed to squeeze one leg into the small room, and using my hand managed to aim my massive cock towards the bowl. The head seemed to sense where the stream would need to go, and I released a torrent of piss that dead centered the bowl. I drained my bladder, shaking my head and pulling the foreskin back over the head before pulling out.

"Don't forget to close the lid," said Sammi brightly, appearing right behind me.

Her fingers gripped my tail so it wouldn't smack her in the face. I twisted and the air flowing from my collapsing wings blew her hair back. I looked at her and she looked at me, then down at my monstrous cock. Her eyes widened in appreciation.

"I knew you'd be glorious," She smiled, "You must have been a prince in your previous instance,"

"I can't fit through a door, Sammi," I groused in a deep voice, then growled as I tried to turn enough to hide my phallus from her gaze.

She inhaled and her blush deepened, "Just think about the tailor, and the clothes we bought for you, then push that thought of that body to the front," she said simply and settled into a chair crossing her legs, and letting one of her heels dangle from her toe.

I was still coming to terms at how easily I was accepting my incredible form as mundane and normal to me. I recalled the way my shape felt at the clothing store, then with a mental push I felt myself shrink. Then I was standing in front of Sammi naked, my cock slowly deflating after my morning ablutions.

"That's still very impressive," Sammi gushed as she pulled her gaze away from my phallus and looked me in the eye.

"Ummm," I started, "Thank you. At least now I can fit through a door and get out of this room."

I reached for the door handle, and Sammi's hand reached to stop me.

"Clothes Tom," she reminded me, "If we are going out in the world, you're still expected to wear clothes."

"Right," I said and picked up my clothes I dumped on the floor before I passed out.

"Well, you are magnificently an incubus," Sammi smiled, making small talk, "How did you like being in your normal form?"

"Aside from being stuck in this cramped space," I started, tucking my cock into my boxers, "I felt great. I'm not sure what the native female population will think of me though. Don't I look like something from a nightmare."

"Well now you know what an incubus really looks like," she simpered, her eyes still enjoying their circuits over my body, "Can you understand why they thought incubi were sex demons?

I slipped my feet into my new loafers as I stood and smoothed my shirt and trousers. I smiled at my reflection, and opened the door. I held it open for Sammi as she rose to her feet. She patted my ass as she slipped by into the corridor. I followed and she looked back at me.

"Let's go to your new place," she said, "However, I have a surprise for you first."

"Really," I drawled, "a surprise?" trying not to drip with irony.

She pulled open a door, sunlight filtered in, and she waved me through to the slightly overcast day. Then she closed the door and waved her hand and the door slid into place and melded into the wall. She smiled as she passed by me as I waited then turned back to look over her shoulder,

"Call it a present then," she said cheerily.

She led me down the walking path in a swift pace, her high heels clicking on the pavement. The weather was warm, with a slight overcast. I knew from experience that the clouds would soon melt away and the sun would appear. The afternoon would be clear blue skies until the sun dipped lower on the horizon setting up for a glorious sunset. Same as everyday.

She pointed ahead to the parking lot, "There it is, see it?"

My eyes landed on a brand new maroon convertible with the top down, highlighted by a ray of sun peaking through the clouds causing it to gleam. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, thinking of pinching myself, as I never really felt I had ever awoke from a strange dream.

"That's too much," I said, still shaking my head.

She opened up the driver's side door and dangled the keys. I took them and then slid them in my pocket, and dropped into the driver's seat. Sammie smiled up at me, then ran around to the passenger side and slipped into her seat.

"A little makeup gift for torching your apartment," she said, then handed me a new phone, the latest model, "and another necessity for your new life. I've already installed the digital lock app on it," the she told me the code number.

I started the car with a push button, connecting to the fob in my pocket, the electronics verified the owner was in the car, then the engine roared to life. I smiled, and looked at the console filled with all of the latest screens and electronics.

"I am amazed," I said, "but I still don't have any money, and where should I go?"

"Oh right," she said and opened her handbag, then handed me a leather wallet, "A thousand dollars in cash - small bills, should hold you over until we complete your new identity. The driver's license there is charmed so you won't be without a license."

I tilted my head and took the wallet, flipping through the bills, and pulling out the driver's license. My face looked like my face, and everything seemed normal. Except the name on the license now read, "Rick" with a completely different last name as well.

"Rick?" I asked, "Is that the best you could come up with?"

"We can figure out something else, if you'd like, T.. Rick," she smiled, "Remember we had to adlib after you bit poor Trish, so we can consider this temporary."

"How is Trish," I asked as I folded up the slim wallet and slid it into my back pocket before putting on my seatbelt.

"She is perfectly fine, still resting," she answered, "Now, head down towards the harbor," she smiled, "We have a building down near the Marina district."

I followed her directions, driving west out of the park, then turning south to drive back towards the harbor. It was in the general direction of the new building. I recognized that I should give it a name, but my mind was too filled with other thoughts to focus on the new venue. Sammi directed me into a small residential district just off the Marina district. She pointed me into a parking garage for an apartment building, and I turned into the parking spot she indicated.

"This is your spot, Rick," she said, "This new apartment is in your new name. This building is owned by fae interests, so please don't make me torch the place. Remember to keep windows open and the fans on."

She leaned into me and inhaled, "Still very nice, but not as strong today."

She closed her eyes and a flush rose up her chest, then she stopped and slid up to kiss my cheek.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs." She continued slipping out of my convertible.

I followed her, clicking the button to lock the car, even though I kept the top down. The elevator doors were already open, and we stepped inside. She looked at me and tapped her bottom lip.

"Rick, I think you'll find today a bit more fun," she said with a grin. "We have arranged for you to meet some new friends. Entirely human, and not another setup."

"Do you think that's a good idea," I asked, "I feel a lot more like myself, uhh, I mean my real self, not like Tom. But I'm still getting adjusted."

"We will be near," she smiled, "the building is monitored by Fae, and the rooms are monitored as well. The safety of humans in close proximity is paramount. We do think you're ready, you do need to keep your energy up."

"I trust you, Sammi," I said, "though I wish you'd trust me with a little more information."

We got off the elevator and she turned to face the first apartment. She looked at the number then over at me.

"Take out your phone, Rick," she said, "and find the digital lock app, these are the Fairview Apartments," then she told me my code.

I tapped out the numbers and the door lock clicked open. I turned the handle and walked inside. The apartment was a bi-level with high ceilings. The main living space was open to the top of the apartment, and a half-wall extended along the second story.

"Your bedroom loft is upstairs, everything else you need is down here." she said giving me a tour. "Kitchen, Television, Large leather sofa. We made sure to get the largest bed we could for you. The upstairs ceilings are still vaulted, so you should be able to relax in your normal form."

I grinned then pushed out my normal form, her small build shrinking as I grew. I looked up and then down at her, and pressed with a thrust of my wings. I rose into the air, my taloned hands gripping the edge of the railing along the half-wall. A pull with my arms and a twist of my hips I dropped into the loft. I stood easily then spread my wings, meeting no resistance.

The room flashed, then Sammi was standing in-front of me. I mischievous look in her eye. Scanning my scaled maroon flesh, broad wings, then down to take in my swelling phallus. Her eyes widened as she inhaled my scent, causing her nipples to harden and press into her blouse.

"You will want to get some appropriate shorts or at least a collection of loin-cloths," she stated as her voice began to fade and her eyes lost focus, my scent overwhelming her.

I looked down and nodded, "Perhaps you're right," and shifted back to my normal form, still wearing the clothes I was when we arrived.

"That is probably best," Sammie sighed with a tinge of sadness, as her eyes regained focus.

In my normal human form, I realized my pheromones were returning to normal, and I could feel the sexual energy drop and stabilize. Sammi leaned on the railing next to me, and took some deep breaths, then smiled at me.

"I think you should just concentrate on going slow, Rick" she said, "See how it feels to feed in this mundane form, how sustainable it will be. No need to call in the big guns right away."

I smiled and then relaxed, I was already feeling more in control of myself. I could control how strongly I emitted pheromones, and I dialed it back to where they were at a minimum. The effect was just under the radar, something that wouldn't lead to females uncontrollably reaching for my cock. I had an innate sense that I could dial that up to higher levels without having to shift into my demonic form. A step in the right direction.

Sammi started to walk down the spiral staircase back to the first floor, and I followed her. I'd never be able to maneuver the tight ring in my demonic form, but it was an easy task for my human form. I paused to consider which of the two I should consider as "normal".

She directed me over to the kitchen counter, and turned a neatly bulleted list towards me.

"This building is fae friendly," she started, "not all residents are fae, but they all have ... how to put it ... an acceptance of the supernatural that makes them our allies."

She smiled, and ran her finger down the list.

"I've made some recommendations here," she continued, "along with their apartment numbers. I'd like you to run down the list and introduce yourself as a new tenant, and make some friends. You'll need a few close ones."

She smiled and patted my hand as I scanned the list.

"Remember that you need to spread your love around, and also take care of those you engage with."

"Do they know I'm coming by?" I asked, starting to feel like some kind of supernatural gigolo.

"They don't even know you exist," she smiled, "at least not yet. I think your reputation will soon spread as you meet and connect with everyone here."

"So, I'm expected to fuck everyone on this list," I asked, looking for more clarity.

"Well," she started and then paused in thought, "I think, perhaps you are misunderstanding what I'm trying to help you with. I'm not telling you to do anything. This is not a to-do list. I don't expect you to do anything but introduce yourself."

I looked at her skeptically, but nodded.

"To.. I mean, Rick," she continued, "This is your home, this is your city. For all intents and purposes, your past connections no longer exist. In fact if they saw you now, they would not recognize you at all. How you perceive your appearance is very different from how humans perceive your appearance."

"Okay," I said and hesitated for a moment, "Run through that again."

"Rick, the way you woke up this morning. That is the real you. That is your normal appearance.," she explained carefully, then patted my chest, "This avatar you have chosen is a mirage, like a mask. To all the mundane what mask you wear, or no mask at all, will be how they view you."

"So I really am a monster," I added with a nod of understanding.

"You are a glorious, and powerful being." she corrected, "Mundanes will see your magnificent form and shudder in fear from their lack of understanding. That doesn't make you a monster. It just means they have no experience to properly understand what you are."

I nodded as she continued to re-explain this to me.

"You can't walk down the street in this world in your normal form," she said, "Remember pitchforks. Mundanes respond very inappropriately to things they do not understand."

"I want to avoid the pitchforks," I agreed.

"It's more than that, though, Rick," Sammi said, "Remember we are symbiotic. They may reject our appearance, but they still need our presence in their world. We need to carefully interact in their reality, so as not to have them reject our influence. A total rejection of the Fae would be very destructive for human civilization."

"This is getting a bit too abstract," I said, "But I get what you're saying. Look like a human and interact like a human. If I do that, I can feed from the sexual activity I engage in, and the humans can enjoy the benefits of the magick I generate."

"By George, I think he's got it!" Sammie smiled.

"My Fair Lady, 1965," I grinned.

"Actually it was from Pygmalion in 1912, first." she winked, "But yes, you get me."

"I'll try to remember that," I drawled, "you must have a lot of time to watch movies."

"Oodles of time, unfortunately," she grinned, 'I'm just a simple naiad, I don't have a lot of complex needs. Watching movies helps me relate to our hosts, at least I hope it does."

She straightened and tapped the list.

"Anyway, think of this as a welcome list," she said, "Some friendly, safe people that you might enjoy meeting. That's all. No obligations."

I nodded, and she pulled out another sheet, and slid it over the first list. It was a diagram of the apartment building, apparently. I noticed the same name - Fairview Apartments - and a logo that was posted on the entrance to the garage. Sammi tapped her finger on a little butterfly icon near the edge of the letterhead.

"This icon," she said, "We've added this to businesses and locations that are known to be Fae friendly. There is nothing stopping you from frequenting other establishments, but these we know are safe. The rest of this is a map to this building. You may want to check out the gym facilities, and the rooftop pool area."

I nodded, and picked up the map to look at it, and she straightened up and smoothed her skirt.

"Okay," she smiled, and touched my arm, "I'll leave you to it, I still need to finish shopping and provisioning your new digs. I'll get your tailored clothes, and also get you some casual wear. Jeans, tee-shirt, shoes, gym wear, towels, loin cloths..."

Her voice drifted off and her eyes lost their focus, then she snapped back to attention.

"Anyways, lots to do," she said as she strode out of the room, "Please enjoy your day."

I walked down the hallway to look in the mirror. I was wearing comfortable khaki trousers, a golf shirt, tucked into my trousers, and a slim belt around my trim waist. I wore a pair of slip on loafers. The same outfit I walked out of the tailor shop yesterday. I sniffed the shirt, recalling that it was also the outfit I was wearing just before my last encounter with Trish.

"Probably still has pheromones," I grumbled.

I walked up the stairs, figuring I should get used to moving like a mundane. I opened the closet and sighed a sigh of frustration. The closet was empty. As I stood there and tried to come up with a plan B to walk around safely, the closet lit up in a glow. A pair of swim trunks, a stack of tee-shirts and a couple pairs of sneakers and some flip flop sandals appeared on the shelf. I picked up the note on top, and read the note in Sammi's neat handwriting.

Rick, thought you might need these. Xoxo S.

Another flash, and a plastic hamper appeared beside the shelves, with another sticky note.

Smelly clothes go here. xoxo Sammi

She drew a little heart. I started undressing and wondered how many more new things would appear with little sticky notes attached. I pulled on the swim trunks, a printed tee-shirt and slipped on the flip-flops.

Walking down the spiral staircase, I used my phone to snap a photo of the list of names, and the map. I slipped the phone in my pocket, and exited the apartment. The first number on the list was just a couple of doors down. I felt good, but also a touch of weariness as I knocked on the door.

After a moment the door opened up, and I smiled as I met eyes with the occupant. She was shorter than me, by about a foot, so I adjusted my eyes and looked down on her. Her dark black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing a mocha-colored forehead. I lowered and saw her light brown eyes smile back into mine.

"Hello?" she asked.

Her head cocking slightly to the side as her own eyes made a journey from my eyes down to my chest and further. I forced my own eyes to bounce up from her chest, which was slight but offered promising curves.

"I'm Tuh..Rick," I stammered, still getting used to the new name, "I just moved in down the hall."

"Hello Trick," she smiled and offered her slight hand with slim nimble fingers, her bangles jingled a musical tone, "I'm Aisha, I'm a graduate assistant at State, but I don't have any classes today. Would you like to have some tea? I'm about to enjoy my mid-morning tea."

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